Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hans Christian Anderson's The Little Mermaid

 The Little Mermaid, digital, 2013

 Golden Sunset, digital, 2013

Stormy Seas, digital, 2013

Boat Festival, digital, 2013

The Kiss, digital, 2013

Castle From Afar, digital, 2013

Stairs Into the Castle, digital, 2013

The Sea Witch, digital, 2013

Bargain, digital, 2013

Horsing Around, digital, 2013
Wedding Day, digital, 2013
Sea Foam, digital, 2013
Air, digital, 2013

     Illustrations I created for the short story "The Little Mermaid" by Hans Christian Anderson. "The Little Mermaid" is one of my favorite stories, and the original is very different from the Disney movie. Most of these were made digitally via ArtRage, and a few were made with watercolors, then altered digitally. The Little Mermaid, Golden Sunset, Stormy Seas, Stairs Into the Castle, The Sea Witch, and Sea Foam were all scanned in and changed, some more than others. I made a book layout using these illustrations as well, which turned out nicely. I want to get it printed into a physical book, so I will be sure to post pictures when I have it.

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